Puffins in Support of Brexit

It’s taken several years, but I may have finally found one thing––only one thing, mind––that I am grateful to Brexit for.

The UK has recently instituted a ban on fishing for sandeels in the North Sea, which the EU claims goes against the UK’s commitments in the post-Brexit Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

And why am I pleased about the UK ban?  Because sandeels are the favourite food of puffins, and increased numbers of sandeels in British coastal waters can surely only result in thriving populations of puffins along Britain’s shores. 

God knows, if the Vote Leave campaign had paraded pictures of happy puffins on their campaign buses, rather than the blatantly spurious promises they falsely bandied, I might have been persuaded to vote for them myself.

© E. C. Glendenny

E. C. Glendenny could never vote for Nigel Farage even to support the puffins.

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